In the green model plant of the largest carton box group in North India, a latest Dongfang TOPRA flexo printer has been installed and put into operation in recent times.
(Garden style factory)
In recent years, facing fierce competitions from new factories around the area, group directors make resolute decision to select the Dongfang TOPRA model printing machine as the main production equipment, with obviously higher production efficiency and better products quality, even though the factory is already in the leading position around the core industrial are in North India.
With years’ service experience in India market and successful project samples from local Chinese customers, Dongfang team not only in depth get to know the problems and difficulties of the Indian carton box industry customers, but also be committed to push forward the plan achievement of high production efficiency and lower cost for the leading factories as industry samples, through the adoption of the intelligent, long life serving and efficient Dongfang flexo printer series.
(Unanimous approval from the technical team)
Meanwhile, regarding to the impact of the covid-19 spreading in India, the Dongfang service team make rapid decisions to offer 24 hours online remote support with the cooperation of the short time established local Indian service team to achieve the targets of the service without interruptions for the customer and successful completion of the whole project without delay.
(Online service conference scenario)
With the targets of environmental friendly and high efficient carton box production, Dongfang team will devote to create more values for global industry customers by more advanced digital and intelligent flexo printing machines.